



The Transition of the Outer Moat

懸樋 かけどい。懸け樋。地上にかけ渡して、水を導くとい
景勝地 景色がすぐれている土地。勝地、行楽地、観光地、保養地、避暑地、リゾート

 More than just a component in Edo Castle’s defense structure, the outer moat was also a verdant, waterside leisure space much loved by city residents. Depictions of the outer moat were frequently included in Tokugawa-era collections of woodblock prints. One famous collection entitled the One Hundred Famous Views of Edo, which was composed between 1856 and 1858 by the artist Hiroshige, includes a print depicting the outer moat and bustling, moat-side cityscape in the vicinity of Ichigaya’s Hachiman Gate. In a separate collection entitled Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji from 1858, Hiroshige depicts a cargo-filled boat passing under the outer moat’s Ochanomizu Acqueduct. This tells us that the moat was also a functional space used to transport goods around the city.
  After the 1868 Meiji Restoration, the outer moat continued to be considered a scenic area and a residential district was constructed on the moat’s Shinjuku side. Following the construction of the Köbu Railway in 1894, the Railway and surrounding outer moat area frequently came to be featured in postcards. In 1911, the authorities presented a plan to preserve Edo Castle’s outer moat as a public park. Specifically, the plan called for the construction of a pedestrian walkway along the embankment extending from Ushigome to Kuichigai. The plan came to fruition in 1927 with the construction of Tokyo’s Dote City Park, which extended from Ushigome to Shinmitsuke Bridge.
  For more information about the Kōbu Railway and Ushigome Moat’s modern development, please visit the history plaza on the second floor.

写真 土手公園 この写真は「日本地理風俗大系 II」(新光社、昭和6年)でも「日本地理風俗大系 第1改訂版」(誠文堂新光社、昭和11年)でもありませんでした。
写真 市谷濠
写真 現在の旧土手公園
図 四ツ谷御門外 だいじょうけんに してほかばんの しょうきゃく住むこと いずれの口もことなら ねど、わきこうしゅう 街道かいどうよりるの くちにして、かの玉河たまがわの じょうすいひく大樋おおとい あり。千歳せんざいきゅうの 仁計じんけいあおぐ べしとうとむべし
図 市ヶ谷八幡

The Stone Used to Construct Ushigome-dobashi Bridge’s Weir
  The stone located next to this installation was used to construct the weir located under Ushigome-mon Gate’s earthen bridge. Portions of the weir were discovered during the construction of lidabashi Station. Documents detailing what was discovered at the site and describing the weir’ s appearance can be found at the exhibit on the platform at JR lidabashi Station. The exhibit is located in the vicinity of the site under Ushigome-bashi Bridge, where the weir was actually discovered.


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