





徳島藩 阿波国(徳島県)・淡路国(兵庫県淡路島・沼島)の2国を領有した藩
御手伝普請 豊臣政権江戸幕府が大名を動員して行った土木工事
江戸城御門絵図 江戸城御外郭御門絵図。江戸城外郭26図の全体図と番所の平面図を折本に仕立てたもの。奥書は享保2年 (1717)10月。
方形 四角形。
冠木門 左右の門柱を横木(冠木)によって構成した門
高麗門 正面左右の二本の本柱に切妻きりづまの屋根をかけ、これと直角に控柱を本柱の背後に立てて切妻屋根をかけたもの。城郭の外門などに多く見られる。
渡櫓 左右の石垣にまたがらせて造ったやぐら
大御門 おおみかど。「門」の尊敬語。特に皇居の門。
枡形門 敵の侵入を防ぐために工夫された門の形式。一の門と二の門の2重の門構え、その間は直角に曲がるようになっている。
城郭 城の周囲に設けた囲い。城壁。城と外囲い。外敵を防ぐための防御施設。とりで。
皇城 天皇の御所。宮城。皇居
土塁 どるい。土居どい。敵や動物などの侵入を防ぐため、主に盛土による堤防状の防壁施設。土を盛りあげ土手状にして、城郭などの周囲に築き城壁とした。英語ではembankmentで、土手、堤防、盛り土などがその訳語。
舗装で表現 実際の枡形石垣がいた場所を舗装の変化を使ってわかりやすくしています。






角石 方形に切った石。四角な石材。岩石学辞典では緻密で珪酸質の岩石の一般名

  Also known as the Ushigome Gateway, Ushigome-mon Gate was constructed in 1636 under the direction of Hasuchika Tadateru, the lord of Tokushima domain. As described in the Illustrated Maps of Edo Castle’s Outer Gates, Ushigome-mon Gate’s inner section was surrounded by stone walls, which were arranged in a square shape to form an enclosure. It was comprised of two gates: a Korean-style outer gate, which led to a square courtyard and could be entered from the earthen bridge, and a large, two-story inner gate containing a timber-framed gatehouse. Even if enemy forces successfully penetrated the outer gate and entered the courtyard, they were prevented from entering the castle grounds by the large internal gate. Ushigome-mon Gate’s design enabled forces defending the Castle to attack the enemy from the walkway in the gatehouse’s upper tier and positions atop the stone walls surrounding the courtyard.
  In 1872, the Ministry of the Army assumed control of Edo Castle and were tasked with protecting the Imperial Palace. After taking control, they announced that many of the existing gates would be torn down in the name of security. Ultimately, they order the removal of 21 of the outer gates. The Ministry of the Army then assumed responsibility for guarding and maintaining the gates that remained in place. In an effort to develop Tokyo’s urban infrastructure, the Tokyo prefectural government moved carried out the actual work of removing the castle gates, elevated walkways above the gates, stone walls that surrounded many of the gates, and the earthen fortifications in their vicinity.
  In 1902, after the elevated walkway above Ushigome-mon Gate had been removed a portion of the stone walls surrounding its inner sections were torn down. However, the eastern and western walls were left in place and remain in existence today. The original form of the square courtyard that surrounded the gate is indicated by the surface of the road constructed in its place. It enables visitors to grasp the layout of the square courtyard that surrounded the Gate’s inner portion.
  The exhibit on the first floor provides a detailed description of the stone walls’ struc-ture. A cornerstone retrieved from the side of one Ushigome-mon Gate’s stone wallsis emblazoned with two seals: those of Hachisuka lemasa and Hachisuka Tadahide, who supervised. the construction of Ushigome-mon Gate’s walled courtyard.

The Remained Bridge Stage Beside Kagurazaka

  An archaeological excavation carried out in 1989 in conjunction with the construction of Tokyo’s Nanboku Subway Line uncovered a 9.5-meter-high stone wall from the Shinjuku Ward-side approach to Ushigome-mon Gate’s earthen bridge. The stone wall was constructed on top of a crib base, which served as a support layer for the hardened stratum of sand comprising the bottom tier of the site’s weak foundation. This discovery provides us with insight into the techniques used during the Edo period when building on sites with an unstable foundation.

橋詰 橋が終わっている所。橋のきわ。主に橋の架け替え用地、災害時の一時避難場所、材料置き場・交番等の敷地としての空間(関東大震災後の復興事業で制度化)
梯子胴木 長手の木材に梯子のように短い木材を一定間隔で置いてつなげた工法

側溝 道路や鉄道の側端などに設けられる小水路排水のために設置される溝。道路にたまった雨水などを排水するためや、民地の用水路・排水路として設置する。

写真 牛込御門(「旧江戸城写真帖」東京国立博物館)
Picture: Ushigome-mon Gate (The Photobook of Old Edo Castle. Tokyo National Museum)


橋台 きょうだい。橋の土台の部分。







The Way to Make the Outer Moat from Ushigome to Akasaka


普請 家を建築したり修理したりすること。また、道・橋・水路・堤防などの土木工事。
土橋 どばし。城郭の構成要素の一つで、堀を掘ったときに出入口の通路部分を掘り残し、橋のようにしたもの。転じて、木などを組んでつくった上に土をおおいかけた橋。水面にせり出すように土堤をつくり、横断する。牛込御門の場合は土橋に接続した牛込橋で濠と鉄道を越える。つちばし。牛込門。


城郭 城と外囲い。堀や土塁・石垣などにより,外敵の攻撃を防いだ施設。
土塁 どるい。土居どい。敵や動物などの侵入を防ぐため、主に盛土による堤防状の防壁施設。土を盛りあげ土手状にして、城郭などの周囲に築き城壁とした。英語ではembankmentで、土手、堤防、盛り土などがその訳語。
土手 川などがあふれて田地や家屋に流入するのを防ぐために、土を小高く積み上げて築いた長い堤
外郭門 城などの外がこいにある門

  The section of the outer moat located between Ushigome to Ichigaya was constructed by utilizing the topography of the Kanda River valley. In addition, because the Yotsuya and Kojimachi sections of the moat were located on a ridgeline, which cut across the Kanda Plateau, moat construction in those areas required the execution of a large-scale infrastructure project in which sections of the Plateau were removed and the moat was extended to the valley in the vicinity of the reservoir on the Akasaka side. Groups of domainal lords were mobilized to carry out the project and each group was required to remove a predetermined amount of earth from the plateau. The outer moat reached its highest point in the vicinity of Kuichigai Gate.
  From there, the water level gradually lowered as it passed through the channels linking Sanada-bori Moat with the Kanda River. In order to control the flow of water and prevent flooding, weirs were constructed to around gates, such as Ushigome-mon Gate, which were located on earthen bridges. These weirs were then utilized to control the water level in the moat. Furthermore, utilizing the natural topography, large earthen fortifications were constructed by building up sections of the Kanda Plateau on the present-day Chiyoda Ward side of the moat in order to improve the Castle’s defenses. That project resulted in the establishment of a steep embankment.
  Edo Castle’s outer moat boasts a total length of approximately 14 kilometers. The approximately 4-kilometer, 38-hectare section between Ushigome and Akasaka Gates is a designated as a National Historic Site. Visitors to the site can see the ingeniously constructed outer moat filled with water, the stone walls of the Castle’s outer gates, and the shape of its earthen fortifications.











The History of Edo Castle
支城 本城のほかに領内各地に設けた城。
移封 いほう。大名などを他の領地へ移すこと。転封てんぽう。国替え。
土塁 どるい。土居どい。敵や動物などの侵入を防ぐため、主に盛土による堤防状の防壁施設。土を盛りあげ土手状にして、城郭などの周囲に築き城壁とした。英語ではembankmentで、土手、堤防、盛り土などがその訳語。
本丸 ほんまる。日本の城郭で、中心をなす一区画。城主の居所で、多く中央に天守(天守閣)を築き、周囲に堀を設ける。
西の丸 にしのまる。江戸城本丸の南西方の一郭。将軍の世子の居所、また、将軍の隠居所
天下普請 江戸幕府が全国の諸大名に命令し、行わせた土木工事
五街道 ごかいどう。江戸時代、日本橋を起点とした東海道、中山道、甲州道中、日光道中、奥州道中。幕府はこれを直轄し、道中奉行の管轄下に宿駅など整備し、一方関所を設けて統制を厳重にした。そのため参勤交代など主として公用に利用、一般の旅人は脇往還を多く通った。
二の丸 本丸の外側に隣接して城主の館邸の設けられた郭(周囲を土や石などで築いた囲いの内側の地域)
三の丸 二の丸につづいて外側の家臣屋敷などの並ぶ郭
城郭 城と外囲い。堀や土塁・石垣などにより,外敵の攻撃を防いだ施設。
天守 城の本丸に築かれた最も高い物見やぐら。天守閣。天守やぐら。
内郭 うちぐるわ。ないかく。城などの内側に築かれた囲い。また、その区域
江戸城外堀跡 江戸城の防衛的な施設である外堀のうち、牛込見附から赤坂見附まで延長約3.3kmと虎ノ門地区が、1956年(昭和31)に国の史跡に指定され、2008年(平成20)に追加指定を受けた。江戸時代以来の堀や土手、城門石垣が残る。
櫓門 やぐらもん。上階に櫓(城壁などの上に造った建物で、諸方を展望して偵察したり、矢や弾丸を発射して防戦の用とした)をのせた門。

 Edo Castle’s origins can be traced to the establishment of the Edo Clan’s estate in the late-Heian period.  During the Muromachi period, it served as the location of Ōta Dōkan’s branch castle.  Entering the Warring States Period, it was controlled by the Hōjō Clan’s and served as the site of their branch castle. When Toyotomi Hideyoshi eradicated the Hōjō Clan in the late-sixteenth century, Tokugawa Ieyasu was sent to their former territory in the Kantō region. In 1590, leyasu assumed control of Edo Castle and initiated the Castle’s reconstruction and construction of the surrounding castle town. At the time, there were no stone walls on the Castle site. The only remaining features of the Hōjō Clan’s branch castle were its earthen fortifications. In addition, the Hibiya area was an inlet and the Nihonbashi and Kyōbashi areas were low-lying wetlands.
 leyasu began the reconstruction effort by removing temples from the site, expanding the Castle’s inner citadel, and supervising the construction of the city’s commoner districts and warrior estates. He then removed portions of the plateau immediately south of the inner citadel and constructed the western citadel. In addition, the inlet in Hibiya was filled in using the earth removed from the plateau. In 1603, leyasu, who had by then seized national political authority and established a tent government, mobilized domainal lords from the across the country to construct the remaining portions of Edo Castle and the surrounding city area. The same year, Kanda Hill was leveled and earth removed from the Hill was used to fill in the southern portions of the Nihonbashi area. The area was then developed and Nihon-bashi Bridge was constructed. The following year, an archipelago-wide network of five overland circuits originating from Nihon-bashi Bridge was established. In 1606, the second and third citadels and castle tower were constructed and work continued on the stone walls surrounding the Castle. By the following year, the Castle’s main keep was complete. In 1657, however, the Castle was destroyed by a fire and had to be reconstructed.
 In 1868, the Meiji emperor moved to Edo Castle and it came to serve as the imperial palace. In 1960, Edo Castle’s inner moat was classified as Edo Castle’s official ruins and designated a National Heritage Site. In addition, remaining portions of the Castle’s outer moat and the ruins of Tokiwabashi Gate received designation as Historical Landmarks. Lastly, the box-shaped, two-story gatehouses at Sakurada-mon, Tayasu-mon, and Shimizu-mon Gates were designated as Important National Treasures.

大手門 霞会館「鹿鳴館秘蔵写真帖」平凡社、1997

本丸大手門 本丸正門。慶長12年(1607)完成、のち伊達政宗が延べ42万人、大判2600枚を費やして右折枡形門となす。明暦の大火後、万治2年(1659)に再建された。大正12年震災で倒壊し復興された渡櫓門も戦災で焼失、現渡櫓門は昭和40年(1965)の復元。高麗門と石塁のみ遺構として現存。写真には渡櫓右に二ノ丸異三重櫓が見える。警戒は厳しく、明治4年(1871) 4月「御城内御門謷戒兵規律」には、警戒兵が門両脇に2人ずつ昼夜交替で立ち、例外を除き鑑札所持者のみ朝六ツ時から暮六ツ時まで通行を許した。明治22年皇居造営後、内閣が赤坂仮皇居から大手門内に移動、大手門は内閣への通用門となった。(霞会館「鹿鳴館秘蔵写真帖」平凡社、1997)

江戸城写真集 蓮池三重櫓、本丸御殿址と台所櫓 東京誌料 東京都立図書館

下乗橋前より二ノ丸東三重櫓方向 下乗橋大番所前から二ノ丸殿東側を写した写真。左手奥から東三重櫓、東多聞、異三重櫓。堀を挟んで、右手に同じ三ノ丸の平川門へ通じる喰違門の一部が見られる。大手門と喰違門の間には、御殿詰・勝手方などを除く会計一般を扱った下勘定所が置かれていた。現在、堀は二ノ丸北櫓跡まで埋められ、それより下梅林門までが天神堀となっている。埋め立て部分には宮内庁病院や厩舎、三の丸尚蔵館などが建設され、かつての面影は全くない。(霞会館「鹿鳴館秘蔵写真帖」平凡社、1997)

半蔵門 霞会館「鹿鳴館秘蔵写真帖」平凡社、1997

半蔵門 桜田門と同じく元和6年(1620)奥羽諸侯が建造した右折枡形門。土手で桜田堀と半蔵堀とを画したため門前の橋は築かれなかった。名称は門内に住んだとされる伊賀の服部半蔵に由来する。この門は内郭の西門に位置し、武蔵国府へ向かう国府方口とも称された。麴町の町名は、国府路こふじに由来するとされる。写真には解体中の半蔵門の渡櫓門が見られる。なお現在の高麗門は和田倉門より移築したもの。現在枡形はない。(霞会館「鹿鳴館秘蔵写真帖」平凡社、1997)