10/25船長の手紙| ロードス島はキャンセル

 わかっている通りですが、昨晩リビエラ号は医療緊急事態のためにピレウスに戻りました。残念ながら、当時利用できる選択肢はありませんでした。リビエラは真夜中にピレウスを出航し、当初の予定より6時間遅れ、またロードス島の航海では荒海を予想しています。 ロードス島で数時間の上陸はできません。 したがって、オセアニア事務局はロードス島への着港をキャンセルし、直接イラクリオンに進み、10月26日に予定通りに到着することにしました。

⇦ もどる

Dear Guest,

As you are aware last night, Riviera had to return to Piraeus for a medical emergency.
Unfortunately there were no other options available to us at the time.
Riviera departed from Piraeus at midnight, with 6 hours delayed from our original schedule and expected rough sea conditions while sailing toward Rhodes; we will not be able to make up the time to allow you some time in Rhodes. Therefore the Oceania head office has decided to cancel our call to Rhodes and proceed directly to lraklion, where we will be arriving as per schedule on October 26th.

If you are holding Oceania tickets for any tours in Rhodes, they will be automatically refunded based on your method of payment and there is no need for you to do anything further.

If you had made private arrangements in the port of Rhodes, our concierges will be happy to help you contacting your private tour operators.

The safety of our guests is always our primary concern.

We apologize for any personal disappointments and we thank you for your understanding.


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