Ushigome Station opened on October 9, 1894, the same day that Kōbu Railway initiated service between Shinjuku and Ushigome Stations. Before Iidama-chi Station opened on April 3, 1895, Ushigome Station served as the starting station on the Kōbu Line. Ushigome Station was located on the portion of present-day Iidbashi Station that extends from Ushigome Bridge in the direction of Ichigaya Station. At the time, portions of the outer moat were reclaimed in order to construct the station house and train tracks. Ushigome Station’s platform was located on the site currently occupied the JR Chuo Rapid Transit Line. In addition, the station house was constructed on the site currently occupied by the JR Chuo and Sobu Local Lines. Ushigome Station had two ticket gates. One was located on the present-day Shinjuku Ward side and the other was located on the Chiyoda Ward side. The gate building on the Chiyoda Ward side was constructed facing the road alongside the outer moat’s embankment and could be accessed by a staircase that rose from the Station’s rail bridge and climbed the embankment. A retaining wall from a section of the embankment next to the station house remains in place today in the vicinity of the entrance to Sotobori Park. On the Shinjuku Ward side, a road was constructed on land reclaimed from alongside Ushigome-mon Gate’s earthen bridge. Thereafter, Ushigome Station could be reached via a small pedestrian bridge, which was erected near the aqueduct attached to Ushigome-mon Gate’s weir. Today, portions of the foundation that supported the pedestrian bridge remain in place and are visible from Iidabashi Station’s platform and atop Ushigome Bridge.
In 1636, Iemitsu, the third Tokugawa shogun, commanded domanial lords from around the country to construct an outer moat around Edo Castle. The following year, two rows of pine saplings were planted on the grass-covered embankment lining the outer moat. The outer row was comprised of large saplings, which were planted 2.7 meters from the embankment edge at intervals of 1.8 meters. The inner row consisted of an alternating series of large and small saplings arranged in a similar pattern. These rows supported the embarkment and shielded the castle. The portion of the embankment extending east from Ushigomemon Gate can be divided into two sections: one located along the outer moat and the other located inside the Gate. Photographic evidence indicates that the section lining the outer moat was a gentle earthen bank. The section inside the Gate is depicted in Views of Edo as a grass-covered landscape dotted with pine trees. During the Meiji period (1868-1912), the construction of wider roads and rail lines reduced the size of the embankment.
Underground, however, portions of the outer moat’s embankment, which constructed during the Tokugawa period using the ancient rammed earth (hanchiku) method, remain intact. This display recreates the earthen bank and rows of pines, which were located to the east Ushigomemon Gate’s box-shaped stone walls.
These two maps indicate the location of historical sites in the vicinity of Iidabachi and Yotsuya Stations. The sites offer vital insights about Tokyo’s history from the early modern to the modern period. The map on the left traces the path of early modem Japan’s “Five Routes,” which radiated out in all directions from central Edo’s Nihon-bashi Bridge, and indicates the location of the city’s entrance gates and post stations on its periphery. The second map is a jurisdictional map indicating the territories under the authority of the Edo City Governor. It shows that areas inside the Yamanate Line comprised the city center and that the city area extended over a vast space that stretched far east as present-day Kinshicho Station.
喰違(The Remains of Kuichigai Gate)外堀で唯一土塁を組み合わさせた門で、1612(慶長17)年に完成しました。現在も原形を確認できます。
赤坂門跡(The Remains of Akasaa-mon Gate)江戸城外郭門で、1639(寛永16)年に完成しました。石垣は一部現存し、福岡黒田家の刻印がみられます。
牛込駅(千代田区側)駅舎跡 甲武鉄道時代、ここには牛込駅の出入口がありました。 現在でも、当時作られた駅舎の左右にあった石積み擁壁がそのまま残されており、見ることができます。 The Remains of Ushigome Station 石積み擁壁 高低差のある土地で土砂崩れを防ぐために設置し、石を積んだ壁。
牛込門枡形石垣跡の舗装表示 かって牛込門の枡形石垣があった位置が自然石舗装で表現されており、その大きさを体感することができます。 Remnants of Ushigome-mon Gate’s Stone Walls 枡形 「枡形」は石垣で箱形につくった城郭への出入口。
石に刻まれた印 かつて牛込門の枡形石垣を構成していた石垣石が移設展示されています。 枡形石垣の整備を担当した徳島藩蜂須賀阿波守の刻印とみられるものが確認できます。 Inscriptions on the Stone
散策モデルルート Aルート:「外堀散策ルート」Edo Castle’s Outer Moat
周囲14kmの江戸城外堀を史跡中心に巡ります。 This walk visits heritage sites along the outer moat’s 14-kilometer periphery Bルート:「江戸城内ルート」Edo Castle
牛込門から北の丸の田安門を経て旧江戸城本丸跡を巡ります。 Departing from Ushigome-mon Gate, this walk passes through the Northern Citadel’s Tayasu-mon Gate before visiting the remains of Edo Castle’s Inner Citadel. Cルート:「外堀水辺散策ルート」The Outer Moat Riverside Walk
神田川と日本橋川にある鉄道遺産などを巡ります。 This route visits sites along the Kanda and Nihonbashi Rivers relates to local railroad development.
More than just a component in Edo Castle’s defense structure, the outer moat was also a verdant, waterside leisure space much loved by city residents. Depictions of the outer moat were frequently included in Tokugawa-era collections of woodblock prints. One famous collection entitled the One Hundred Famous Views of Edo, which was composed between 1856 and 1858 by the artist Hiroshige, includes a print depicting the outer moat and bustling, moat-side cityscape in the vicinity of Ichigaya’s Hachiman Gate. In a separate collection entitled Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji from 1858, Hiroshige depicts a cargo-filled boat passing under the outer moat’s Ochanomizu Acqueduct. This tells us that the moat was also a functional space used to transport goods around the city. After the 1868 Meiji Restoration, the outer moat continued to be considered a scenic area and a residential district was constructed on the moat’s Shinjuku side. Following the construction of the Köbu Railway in 1894, the Railway and surrounding outer moat area frequently came to be featured in postcards. In 1911, the authorities presented a plan to preserve Edo Castle’s outer moat as a public park. Specifically, the plan called for the construction of a pedestrian walkway along the embankment extending from Ushigome to Kuichigai. The plan came to fruition in 1927 with the construction of Tokyo’s Dote City Park, which extended from Ushigome to Shinmitsuke Bridge. For more information about the Kōbu Railway and Ushigome Moat’s modern development, please visit the history plaza on the second floor.
牛込見附の堰に用いられていた石 この解説板の横に置いてある石は、牛込見附土橋に構築されていた堰の水路面に使用されていたもので、駅舎工事にあたり発掘されました。発掘結果や当時の堰の様子をうかがい知れる史料などを、JR飯田橋駅ホーム上(実際に堰が発見された位置となる牛込橋の真下付近)で解説しています。 堰 せき。河川の流水を制御し、水を取り入れるために、川の流れをさえぎって造る構造物。ダムや堤防の機能はない。 The Stone Used to Construct Ushigome-dobashi Bridge’s Weir The stone located next to this installation was used to construct the weir located under Ushigome-mon Gate’s earthen bridge. Portions of the weir were discovered during the construction of lidabashi Station. Documents detailing what was discovered at the site and describing the weir’ s appearance can be found at the exhibit on the platform at JR lidabashi Station. The exhibit is located in the vicinity of the site under Ushigome-bashi Bridge, where the weir was actually discovered.
The section of the outer moat located between Ushigome to Ichigaya was constructed by utilizing the topography of the Kanda River valley. In addition, because the Yotsuya and Kojimachi sections of the moat were located on a ridgeline, which cut across the Kanda Plateau, moat construction in those areas required the execution of a large-scale infrastructure project in which sections of the Plateau were removed and the moat was extended to the valley in the vicinity of the reservoir on the Akasaka side. Groups of domainal lords were mobilized to carry out the project and each group was required to remove a predetermined amount of earth from the plateau. The outer moat reached its highest point in the vicinity of Kuichigai Gate. From there, the water level gradually lowered as it passed through the channels linking Sanada-bori Moat with the Kanda River. In order to control the flow of water and prevent flooding, weirs were constructed to around gates, such as Ushigome-mon Gate, which were located on earthen bridges. These weirs were then utilized to control the water level in the moat. Furthermore, utilizing the natural topography, large earthen fortifications were constructed by building up sections of the Kanda Plateau on the present-day Chiyoda Ward side of the moat in order to improve the Castle’s defenses. That project resulted in the establishment of a steep embankment. Edo Castle’s outer moat boasts a total length of approximately 14 kilometers. The approximately 4-kilometer, 38-hectare section between Ushigome and Akasaka Gates is a designated as a National Historic Site. Visitors to the site can see the ingeniously constructed outer moat filled with water, the stone walls of the Castle’s outer gates, and the shape of its earthen fortifications.
江戸城外堀 The History of Edo Castle Outer Moat 江戸城は、本丸・二の丸・三の丸・西の丸・北の丸・吹上からなる内郭を内堀が囲み、その表門が大手門でした。外堀は、雉子橋門から時計回りに、一橋門、神田橋門、常盤橋門など諸門をめぐり、呉服橋門から虎ノ門、溜池から四谷門、市谷門、牛込門を経て、現在の神田川に入り、小石川門から浅草門で、隅田川に至る堀でした。外堀工事は、1606(慶長11)年に雉子橋から溜池までの堀を構築後、1618(元和4)年に駿河台が掘削されて平川(現日本橋川)の流路に付け替えられ、神田川が誕生しました。この工事で、平川は堀留橋で締め切られ、独立した堀となりました。 1636(寛永13)年には、天下普請で外堀が構築され、江戸の総構が完成します。この工事は、雉子橋から虎ノ門に至る外堀の総石垣化と枡形築造を前田・細川・池田・黒田家など西国外様大名(石垣方六組)、牛込土橋から赤坂土橋にかけての外堀掘削と土塁の構築を東国大名(堀方七組)が行いました。 その後も幕府は、外堀を維持するために大名の手伝普請による堀さらいをしました。牛込~市谷間の堀は、市谷~四谷間より水位が下がり、土砂が堆積し、蓮が繁ったため、普請奉行の管理下で頻繁にさらいが行われました。また、町人にも堀にゴミを捨てないよう町触も出され、外堀の維持・管理が行われました。
Edo Castle’s inner hull was comprised of six citadels: the main, second, third, western, northern, and fukiage citadels. The entire inner hull was encircled by an internal moat and Ōte-mon Gate served as its main entrance. The Castle’s outer moat originated at Kijibashi-mon Gate and passed, in clockwise direction, through Hitotsubashi-mon, Kandabashi-mon, Tokiwa-bashi-mon, Gofukubashi-mon, and Torano-mon Gates. It then extended from Castle reservoir through Yotsuya-mon, Ichigaya-mon, and Ushigome-mon Gates before ultimately flowing into the present-day Kanda River. From there. it served as a canal, which passed through Koishikawa-mon and Asakusa-mon Gates and ultimately converged with the Sumida River. The outer moat’s development began in 1606 with the construction of a canal from Kiji-bashi Bridge to the Castle reservoir. The second stage in its evolution came in 1618, when portions of the Kanda Plateau were removed and the canal was redirected towards the Hira River. That process gave birth to the Kanda River and transformed the Hira River, which was closed off at Horidome-bashi Bridge, into an independent canal. The outer moat was finally completed in 1636, when feudal lords from eastern and western Japan were mobilized to construct its remaining portions. Specifically, western domainal lords, including the Maeda, Hosokawa, Ikeda, and Kuroda Houses, were ordered to supervise the construction of stone walls and the square masugata enclosures used to protect the castle gates along the section of outer moat between Kiji-bashi Bridge and Torano-mon Gate. In constrast, domainal lords from eastern Japan were order to dig a canal between Ushigome-bashi and Akasaka-bashi Bridges and construct earthen fortifications. In order to maintain the outer moat, the Tokugawa shogunate mobilized domainal lords from around the country to dredge it. In particular, the section of the moat between Ushigome and Ichigaya required frequent dredging because the water level often receded, resulting in the accumulation of silt on the moat floor and the development of water lilies on its surface. Such dredging projects were carried out under the supervision of the shogunate’s Governor of Construction. In addition, the city authori-ties attempted to keep the outer moat free of debris by issuing official proclamations banning the residents of commoner neigh-borhoods from disposing of garbage in the moat.
Akasaka-mon Gate: “Photo Tokyo Past and Present” Hiroshi Nozawa
Kuichigai-mon Gate: “Edo Souvenir in Pictures” National Diet Library
Others: “Old Edo Castle Photo Collection” Tokyo National Museum
江戸城 The History of Edo Castle 江戸城は、平安時代末の江戸氏居館、室町時代の太田道灌、戦国時代の小田原北条氏の支城として受け継がれました。豊臣秀吉は、北条氏を滅ぼすと、徳川家康を関東に移封しました。1590(天正18)年、徳川家康は江戸城に入城し、江戸城と城下町の建設を始めました。家康入城時の江戸城には石垣はなく土塁のみで、日比谷も入り江で日本橋・京橋辺りも海面と同じ高さの湿地でした。 家康は、まず城内の寺を出し本丸を拡張し、城下町の武家地、町人地を整えました。次に、本丸の南の台地を削り西の丸を造成し、その残土で日比谷入り江を埋め立てました。1603(慶長8)年、幕府を開き実権を握った家康は、天下普請として、城と城下町建設に諸大名を動員しました。同じ年に、神田山を崩して日本橋南の地域を埋め立て、市街地の造成と日本橋の架橋を行い、翌年には日本橋を起点とする五街道を整備しました。1606(慶長11)年には二の丸・三の丸と城郭の整備、石垣築造を進め、翌年には天守が完成しました。なお、天守は1657(明暦3)年に大火で焼失した後、再建されませんでした。 1868(明治元)年、明治天皇が江戸城に入り皇居となり、1960(昭和35)年、江戸城内郭の堀が「江戸城跡」として国の特別史跡に指定されました。このほか、「江戸城外堀跡」と「常盤橋門跡」が史跡に、外桜田門、田安門、清水門とそれぞれの櫓門が重要文化財に指定されています。
Edo Castle’s origins can be traced to the establishment of the Edo Clan’s estate in the late-Heian period. During the Muromachi period, it served as the location of Ōta Dōkan’s branch castle. Entering the Warring States Period, it was controlled by the Hōjō Clan’s and served as the site of their branch castle. When Toyotomi Hideyoshi eradicated the Hōjō Clan in the late-sixteenth century, Tokugawa Ieyasu was sent to their former territory in the Kantō region. In 1590, leyasu assumed control of Edo Castle and initiated the Castle’s reconstruction and construction of the surrounding castle town. At the time, there were no stone walls on the Castle site. The only remaining features of the Hōjō Clan’s branch castle were its earthen fortifications. In addition, the Hibiya area was an inlet and the Nihonbashi and Kyōbashi areas were low-lying wetlands. leyasu began the reconstruction effort by removing temples from the site, expanding the Castle’s inner citadel, and supervising the construction of the city’s commoner districts and warrior estates. He then removed portions of the plateau immediately south of the inner citadel and constructed the western citadel. In addition, the inlet in Hibiya was filled in using the earth removed from the plateau. In 1603, leyasu, who had by then seized national political authority and established a tent government, mobilized domainal lords from the across the country to construct the remaining portions of Edo Castle and the surrounding city area. The same year, Kanda Hill was leveled and earth removed from the Hill was used to fill in the southern portions of the Nihonbashi area. The area was then developed and Nihon-bashi Bridge was constructed. The following year, an archipelago-wide network of five overland circuits originating from Nihon-bashi Bridge was established. In 1606, the second and third citadels and castle tower were constructed and work continued on the stone walls surrounding the Castle. By the following year, the Castle’s main keep was complete. In 1657, however, the Castle was destroyed by a fire and had to be reconstructed. In 1868, the Meiji emperor moved to Edo Castle and it came to serve as the imperial palace. In 1960, Edo Castle’s inner moat was classified as Edo Castle’s official ruins and designated a National Heritage Site. In addition, remaining portions of the Castle’s outer moat and the ruins of Tokiwabashi Gate received designation as Historical Landmarks. Lastly, the box-shaped, two-story gatehouses at Sakurada-mon, Tayasu-mon, and Shimizu-mon Gates were designated as Important National Treasures.
① 「足利義詮御教書」暦応3年(1340) 時代は室町幕府創設直後、当時の鎌倉府の義詮(尊氏長子)が執事の高師冬に命じて、江戸氏の所領である芋茎郡(現埼玉騎西町)の替地として、荏原郡牛込郷闕所分(所有者のない知行地)を与えたものである。恐らく、鎌倉幕府滅亡から室町幕府成立期の混乱時に牛込郷は不知行地になっていたのであろう。
① [B] この文書によると、江戸近江権守は今まで持つていた崎西郡芋茎郷が何らかの理由で没収されることになり、その替所として牛込郷が闕所になつていたので、それを足利氏から貰ったことが分る。従つてこれによると、本区牛込がはじめて史上に明文を見、江戸氏の領地になつたことを知るのである。しかし鎌倉時代の節に述べた如く、江戸氏は古くから本区と関係があると思われ、江戸近江権守が牛込を領したのが、江戸氏の本区支配の最初であつたとは思われない。逆に暦応に牛込の闕所地を江戸氏が領したのは、古くから縁故の土地であったためではなかろうか。(略) 江戸氏が室町時代に於いて足利氏の配下にあったことは「太平記」、「後鑑」に見えるが、更に曆応3年の「牛込文書」によると、江戸氏は高師直の息参河守師冬の配下に属していたのではないかと思う。そうすると師冬は当時下総・常陸にいた南朝の軍と戦っていたのであるから(保暦間記・後鑑)、江戸氏もその軍に加わっていたのではあるまいか。その後、貞和5年に尊氏の息基氏が関東に下り、関東管領となったが、基氏はその時僅か十歳であった。そのため師冬はその補佐にあたっていた。従って江戸氏も亦自然基氏に属することになったらしい。(新宿区史)
① [C] 前年に関東執事に就任し、関東平定を推し進めた高師冬が足利義詮の意を奉じた文書。冬軍には多くの武蔵・相模国の中小武士らが従いましたが、長期の戦闘に疲弊し帰国を希望する者もあったといい、高幡不動本尊像内文書(国指定重要文化財 日野市・金剛寺蔵)には参戦した武士の実態が記されています。江戸氏も冬に従い戦功を挙げたと考えられ、本文書はその際の戦功として牛込郷の領有を認められたものです。(武蔵野ふるさと歴史館)
① [D] 鎌倉公方の足利義詮(尊氏の子)が、執事高師冬に命じて、江戸氏に芋茎郷(現騎西町内)の替地として、牛込郷の欠所分(不知行地)を付与したもの。宛名の江戸氏は庶流で名は不明。牛込郷のみえる最初の史料であり、荏原郡に属していたことも明らかである。(新宿区文化財総合調査報告書)
沽却地 こきゃくち。「沽却」は売り払う。売却。沽却された土地。売買の対象となる土地。
② [C] 江戸憲重が桜田郷内の沽却地(売地)を与えられた際の打渡状。室町時代の武蔵国においては、鎌倉公方の命令により遵行を命じる奉書が作成されると、守護・守護代は遵行状(伝達命令文書)を作成しこれを取り次ぎ、遵行使を派遣して知行人に証状として打渡状を交付しました。応永23年(1416)の上杉禅秀の乱後に、足利持氏方についた武士らの還補(何らかの理由で失った土地を取り戻すこと)が認められており、桜田郷は以前から江戸氏が領有していたため、本文書も桜田郷の一部を江戸氏に還補された際のものと考えることもできます。(武蔵野ふるさと歴史館)
② [D] 江戸憲重の買得地である豊嶋郡桜田郷の下地を、江戸上野入道を証人として憲重に沙汰するという内容。(新宿区文化財総合調査報告書)
③ [A] 甲斐守護武田長と鎌倉公方足利持氏の合戦に関わるものである。鎌倉府奉公衆で武田信長討伐軍の総大将であった一色持家が、甲斐国田原(現山梨県都留市)に在陣中の江戸憲重の労をねぎらい、足利持氏に戦功を注進する旨を伝えている。端裏には切封墨引があるが、線に勢いがなく、切封の上に墨を引いた跡というより点を二点打ったような書き方になっている。(矢島氏)
「一色持家書」7月26日 新宿区立図書館『新宿区立図書館資料室紀要4 神楽坂界隈の変遷』1970年
③ [B] 関東管領の下にあった刑部少輔一色持家から、長い間の在陣の労を謝し、忠節をつくしたことに対する感謝状がある。これが何時のもので、何処で誰と闘つたものか明確を欠いている。(新宿区史)
③ [C] ④号文書と関連する文書で、一色持家が応永33年の武田信長征討における江戸憲重の在陣の労をねぎらい、その忠節を足利持氏に報告するという旨を伝えた文書。持家の注進により④号文書が発給されました。(武蔵野ふるさと歴史館)
③ [D] この年(1426)6月に、鎌倉公方足利持氏は、甲斐の武田信長を攻めるため一色特家を遣わした。この文書は、従軍した江戸憲重の忠節を、持家が持氏に注申すると約束したもの。(新宿区文化財総合調査報告書)
ID 18224の奥の右側から見てみると、プラットフォームとJRの線路があり、奥の中央には巨大な石垣と、その奥を歩く通行人たちがいて、白く輝いているのは「牛込見附公衆便所」です。 この石垣は江戸城の外郭門である牛込見附の1部です。ここで「見附」とは「防御のために城の入口に設ける四角形の空地(升形)がある門」です。石垣の手前は道路に沿って、植栽が並んでいます。 ID 18224の中央に牛込橋があり、道路は「早稲田通り」、左に行くと千代田区、右は新宿区です。道路標識は (歩行者通行止め)です。 写真手前の右端は飯田橋駅西口駅舎に続く階段。階段の脇にはエレベーターに続く通路があります。その左は石垣が2段になっていて、段差の部分に石塀と青白の石碑があります。 かつて石垣はツタに覆われ、上部には木が生えていました(ID 9810)。これらは綺麗に除去されています。千代田区は次のように説明しています。
ID 18225ではさらに左向きになって写真を撮っています。左端には緑色の囲いがあるのは、飯田橋駅から写真左側への新たな通路の公示のためでしょう。石垣の奥の2階建ての白い建物は「麹町警察署飯田橋駅前交番」です。最も左の奥は「日本基督教団 富士見町教会」で、わずかに「飯田橋サクラテラス」が見えています。 なお、現在の牛込見附について、側面には再びツタが生えてきています。