

 The restoration of the parthenon;
 Works in progress and interventions completed.

The project of the Opisthonaos (1992-1993 and 2001-2004) included the strengthening of columns by grouting (1997) and the structural restoration of the capitals, the upper drums and the entablature. The blocks of the west part of the frieze were transferred to the museum and cleaned with the use of a laser method; they were replaced with copies made of artificial stone (1-2).
The works in the west side (2011-2015) concerned the structural restoration of the two corners of the entablature including the capitals and parts of the edges of the pediment. Seven metopes from the west of the monument were transferred to the museum, while copies were placed back to their original positions (2,5,6).
During June of the 2017 the restoration programme of the west pediment began. The works were of a rescue nature and included the dismantling of the middle orthostate and the upper blocks of the backing wall. During their repositioning special damps will be used to further secure the orthostates (3-4).
ln the period of (2017-2020) the works will involve the replacing of the grid frame of the roof of the west wing, with the use of ancient restored beams together with new ones that were made in the 1950s.
Later on, the arrangement of all or some of the newer coffer slabs will also take place (7).



 神殿後側(Opisthonaos)プロジェクト(1992-1993、2001-2004)では、薬品注入による柱の強化(1997年)と、 柱頭、上部筒形部、エンタブラチュア(柱の上に架した梁部)の構造的復元などを行う。西側のフリーズの台盤は、博物館に移され、レーザーで清掃し、人工石で作ったものに置き換えられた(1-2)。
 西側の仕事(2011-2015)では、 柱頭やペディメント(切妻屋根の稜線とコーニスとに囲まれた三角形の壁面)の端などエンタブラチュアの2つの隅の構造的復元に関係する。記念碑の西からの7つのメトープが博物館に移され、コピーを元の位置(2,5,6)に戻した。

⇦ もどる


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