




枡形 ますがた。石垣で箱形(方形)につくった城郭への出入口。敵の侵入を防ぐために工夫された門の形式で、城の一の門と二の門との間にある2重の門で囲まれた四角い広場で、奥に進むためには直角に曲がる必要がある。出陣の際、兵が集まる場所であり、また、侵入した敵軍の動きをさまたげる効果もある。
石垣 いしがき。石を積み上げて造った垣。石の塀。防衛や風防、土砂どめ、境界標示のために造る。
解体・調査 加藤建設株式会社の「史跡江戸城外堀跡 牛込門跡石垣修理工事報告」(飯田橋駅西口地区市街地再開発組合・千代田区、2014年)にまとめられています。新宿区の中央図書館と歴史博物館でも読むことができます(しかし、館外利用はできません)。
切り込みハギ きりこみはぎ。切込はぎ。切込み接ぎ。切り込みハギ。石垣は土塁の表面を石で固めて強化する。まず大きな石を加工して形を整え、隙間なく積み上げて、すき間のない石垣ができる。この石垣工法を切込み接ぎと呼び,まだすき間のあるものを打込み接と呼ぶ。切込接ぎを採用するには高い財力と技術力が必要。自然な排水はできず、排水口を設ける工夫も必要。


横目地 「目地めじ」は石や煉瓦を積み上げたり、タイルなどを貼ったりしたときできる、接着剤が充填された継ぎ目。道路では横断方向が横目地、

布積み 布積み。ぬのづみ。継ぎ目が横一直線になるように石垣を積む方法。乱積み(らんづみ)は、不規則に積み上げていく。
土塁 どるい。土居どい。敵や動物などの侵入を防ぐため、主に盛土による堤防状の防壁施設。土を盛りあげ土手状にして、城郭などの周囲に築き城壁とした。英語ではembankmentで、土手、堤防、盛り土などがその訳語。

間詰め石 あいづめ石。まづめ石。日本の城の石垣で、大きな石の隙間を埋めるように配置する石。大きな石同士の間に入れやすいよう、小さな石を選ぶ。
打ち込みハギ 石を打ち欠くなどして加工し、石同士の隙間を減らす積み方。加工に手間がかかるが、面積よりも高く急な石垣を造ることができる。
安山岩 日本には大量に分布。美しさや強度の点で花こう岩に及ばず、おもに土木用の割りぐり石や砕石などに利用。
花崗岩 白や淡灰、淡紅の基質に、黒の斑点が散在してみえ、堅牢で、雨や風にも劣化しにく、磨くと光沢が出る。造山帯を特徴づける。









砕石 大きな岩石をクラッシャー(粉砕機)で人工的に砕いて作った石
ぐり石 栗石。クリイシ。グリ。「栗石」とは、丸みを持った径が15センチ以下の石。本来は割った物ではない自然な石のことをさす。
裏込め 擁壁などの裏に詰める物。栗石や砂利を詰めることが多い。



 Remnants of the stone walls that surrounded Ushigome-mon Gate can be found in their original form on the left and right sides of the Gate. Accordingly, they are important artifacts, which enable visitors to experience the scale and atmosphere of the stone walls that surrounded Edo Castle. During a 2013 archaeological survey, the stone wall on the northern side, which is visible here, was restored using original techniques and materials.
 The stone walls were constructed using a layering method in which stones on both ends were cut and chiseled in straight lines, and then laid in courses so that each stone fit tightly with the others. This was supported by a coursed masonry technique in which side joints passed through most sections of the wall. These methods gave the stone walls a precise, orderly appearance. In contrast, the stone walls’ lower portions and those touching the embankment were constructed using a comparatively imprecise layering technique in which small stones were pounded into gaps between the larger stones. The walls were constructed primarily using andesite from the Izu Peninsula. In addition, large granite stones transported from the Seto Inland Sea were used as cornerstones.
Layering Techniques Used to Construct the Stone Walls
 The wall’s western side (Side B), which faced the outer moat, was constructed using a cutting-and-insertion method in which stones of different sizes were carefully chiseled to ensure that they fit tightly together. In contrast, the lower tier, which was buried under the embankment, was constructed using a comparatively rough pounding technique in which stones of different sizes and shapes were broken and beaten into the wall’s face. Continuing along the embankment, the protruding portion of the wall’s northern face (Side A) was constructed using the aforementioned cutting-and-insertion technique, whereas the section touching the embankment using the pounding technique. As a consequence, the northern face presents a less orderly appearance.
 In contrast, the wall’s south face (Side C), which was located inside the square enclosure surrounding the Gate, was comprised of square and rectangular stones and precisely constructed using the cutting-and-insertion technique. The stones used to construct the south face were carefully layered to ensure that side joints crossed the entire face of the wall. It is likely that this portion of the wall was so carefully constructed because it was located inside the enclosure and a space that those passing through would inevitably see.
The Wall’s Internal Structure
 An examination of the wall’s internal structure reveals that cobblestones approximately the size of a fist, such as river stones and angular rocks, were embedded into it as backfill material. In the portion facing the road (Side C), each layer of the wall was embedded with a separate layer of backfill. The innermost layer (Layer IV) was precisely constructed using a technique in which flat stones were lined on their back. In contrast, the wall’s lower portion (Layer III) is filled with large cobble-stones, while the upper portion (Layer Il) is embedded with gemstone-shaped cobblestones the size of a fist and the outermost layer (Layer 1) is comprised of top soil. The existence of these distinct layers indicates that the rock walls have been repaired and refurbished several times in their history.






徳島藩 阿波国(徳島県)・淡路国(兵庫県淡路島・沼島)の2国を領有した藩
御手伝普請 豊臣政権江戸幕府が大名を動員して行った土木工事
江戸城御門絵図 江戸城御外郭御門絵図。江戸城外郭26図の全体図と番所の平面図を折本に仕立てたもの。奥書は享保2年 (1717)10月。
方形 四角形。
冠木門 左右の門柱を横木(冠木)によって構成した門
高麗門 正面左右の二本の本柱に切妻きりづまの屋根をかけ、これと直角に控柱を本柱の背後に立てて切妻屋根をかけたもの。城郭の外門などに多く見られる。
渡櫓 左右の石垣にまたがらせて造ったやぐら
大御門 おおみかど。「門」の尊敬語。特に皇居の門。
枡形門 ますがた。石垣で箱形(方形)につくった城郭への出入口。敵の侵入を防ぐために工夫された門の形式で、城の一の門と二の門との間にある2重の門で囲まれた四角い広場で、奥に進むためには直角に曲がる必要がある。出陣の際、兵が集まる場所であり、また、侵入した敵軍の動きをさまたげる効果もある。
城郭 城の周囲に設けた囲い。城壁。城と外囲い。外敵を防ぐための防御施設。とりで。
皇城 天皇の御所。宮城。皇居
土塁 どるい。土居どい。敵や動物などの侵入を防ぐため、主に盛土による堤防状の防壁施設。土を盛りあげ土手状にして、城郭などの周囲に築き城壁とした。英語ではembankmentで、土手、堤防、盛り土などがその訳語。
舗装で表現 実際の枡形石垣がいた場所を舗装の変化を使ってわかりやすくしています。






角石 方形に切った石。四角な石材。岩石学辞典では緻密で珪酸質の岩石の一般名

  Also known as the Ushigome Gateway, Ushigome-mon Gate was constructed in 1636 under the direction of Hasuchika Tadateru, the lord of Tokushima domain. As described in the Illustrated Maps of Edo Castle’s Outer Gates, Ushigome-mon Gate’s inner section was surrounded by stone walls, which were arranged in a square shape to form an enclosure. It was comprised of two gates: a Korean-style outer gate, which led to a square courtyard and could be entered from the earthen bridge, and a large, two-story inner gate containing a timber-framed gatehouse. Even if enemy forces successfully penetrated the outer gate and entered the courtyard, they were prevented from entering the castle grounds by the large internal gate. Ushigome-mon Gate’s design enabled forces defending the Castle to attack the enemy from the walkway in the gatehouse’s upper tier and positions atop the stone walls surrounding the courtyard.
  In 1872, the Ministry of the Army assumed control of Edo Castle and were tasked with protecting the Imperial Palace. After taking control, they announced that many of the existing gates would be torn down in the name of security. Ultimately, they order the removal of 21 of the outer gates. The Ministry of the Army then assumed responsibility for guarding and maintaining the gates that remained in place. In an effort to develop Tokyo’s urban infrastructure, the Tokyo prefectural government moved carried out the actual work of removing the castle gates, elevated walkways above the gates, stone walls that surrounded many of the gates, and the earthen fortifications in their vicinity.
  In 1902, after the elevated walkway above Ushigome-mon Gate had been removed a portion of the stone walls surrounding its inner sections were torn down. However, the eastern and western walls were left in place and remain in existence today. The original form of the square courtyard that surrounded the gate is indicated by the surface of the road constructed in its place. It enables visitors to grasp the layout of the square courtyard that surrounded the Gate’s inner portion.
  The exhibit on the first floor provides a detailed description of the stone walls’ struc-ture. A cornerstone retrieved from the side of one Ushigome-mon Gate’s stone wallsis emblazoned with two seals: those of Hachisuka lemasa and Hachisuka Tadahide, who supervised. the construction of Ushigome-mon Gate’s walled courtyard.

The Remained Bridge Stage Beside Kagurazaka

  An archaeological excavation carried out in 1989 in conjunction with the construction of Tokyo’s Nanboku Subway Line uncovered a 9.5-meter-high stone wall from the Shinjuku Ward-side approach to Ushigome-mon Gate’s earthen bridge. The stone wall was constructed on top of a crib base, which served as a support layer for the hardened stratum of sand comprising the bottom tier of the site’s weak foundation. This discovery provides us with insight into the techniques used during the Edo period when building on sites with an unstable foundation.

橋詰 橋が終わっている所。橋のきわ。主に橋の架け替え用地、災害時の一時避難場所、材料置き場・交番等の敷地としての空間(関東大震災後の復興事業で制度化)
梯子胴木 長手の木材に梯子のように短い木材を一定間隔で置いてつなげた工法

側溝 道路や鉄道の側端などに設けられる小水路排水のために設置される溝。道路にたまった雨水などを排水するためや、民地の用水路・排水路として設置する。

写真 牛込御門(「旧江戸城写真帖」東京国立博物館)
Picture: Ushigome-mon Gate (The Photobook of Old Edo Castle. Tokyo National Museum)


橋台 きょうだい。橋の土台の部分。

